October 16, 2024

I don’t have any Sympathy for Mel Gibson

By Lisa Adrian

When all the hoopla came about with Mel Gibson several years ago that he told some police officers antisemitic remarks while under the influence I gave Mel Gibson a chance, I figured hey we all get drunk and say stupid things sometimes.

I actually liked Mr. Gibson, he was one of those actors that had a personality on screen that radiated and made people love him. He always played the hero the man who wouldn’t hurt a woman and was always trying to protect those weaker.

He was too good to be true, good looking, charming and had a heart of gold like when he acted alongside Jamie Lee Curtis in “Forever Young” and he beat up some guy who was laying his hands on her in the movie. He played a knight in shining armor who beat on a man who was mistreating a woman.

Trailer for Mel Gibson’s new movie “The Beaver”

But when those tape recordings came out that clearly has Mel Gibson in a vulgar tirade and even grossly and disturbingly using curse words with vicious intent directed toward the mother of his young infant child, it made my heart sink.

How could a man who I believed was just misunderstood and a real man of God, do and say such things to this woman? No matter what she did to tick him off, he should have known better. He should have backed off and kept his cool. But Hitting and talking to a woman like she is a whore and putting her down like she has no talent is a real coward thing to do. It was weak of him to pick on her, if she wasn’t a good woman to you move on there are a lot of women who would have treated you much better.

After his racist, and sexist rant directed toward Oksana Grigorieva , I don’t think I could watch Mel Gibson’s movie “The Beaver” and actually enjoy it without having a bad taste in my mouth.